22 Engaging 1 Month Old Baby Activities to Start Doing Today

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Please join me on this journey in motherhood where you’ll find everything from activities to do with your kiddos to budget-friendly recipes. I’m so glad you’re here!

Try out these 22 engaging and fun 1 month old baby activities with your baby today. These activities will not only help you connect with your little one, but you should also get some bonus smiles out of it to!


Starting a routine with baby can feel overwhelming at times. You brought home this new little bundle, and now you are in charge of keeping baby safe and healthy. On top of everything, you want to create an emotional bond with them and create a learning environment for baby.


It is easy to feel overwhelmed really quickly. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. Read below for easy and fun activities that you can start doing today. No special items needed, just you and time spent with your newborn baby!



baby girl being held up smiling towards the camera


“What CAN I do with my baby all day?”


That is a question all moms ask themselves at least once in their motherhood! While I admit, the first few weeks are definitely a blur of sleepless nights, diaper changes, and ‘day 13’ of unwashed hair thrown into a messy bun (Am I right?!) Soon, you will want to get into a good routine for both your sanity and for the sake of some sort of NORMAL.


On tired days, it can be hard to come up with ‘extra’ things for baby to do. And you know what? That is completely okay. You just birthed an entire human being and now you have not only yourself to keep alive every day, but also another ENTIRE HUMAN BEING. It’s kind of a big deal. So. With that being said, if you are a new momma who is just trying to survive – this post is not for you. Don’t worry about doing ‘ALL THE THINGS’. Focus on your sweet babe, yourself, and making sure you get a hot bath every few days.


Okay, now that we’ve got that out of the way. If you are a momma coming out of the ‘newborn fog’ stage, and you are ready to start doing a few extra things in life other than making sure everyone is fed – read on. Below are some great ideas to add to your daily schedule that not only entertain your baby, but also promote connection with them and supports your baby’s developmental milestones.


Why are 1 month old baby activities important?


Implementing some fun and entertaining things to do with baby can:

  • Build a connection and bond with them that will last a lifetime
  • Help with baby’s development and support their growing personality
  • Strengthen baby’s little neck muscles
  • Create an inviting environment that your newborn will feel safe in
  • Have lasting memories for you and your family of this special season in life!


How far can a baby see at 1 month?

It’s a valid concern wondering how far baby can actually see the first few weeks of life. Young babies have limited view of the world right now, only seeing about 8-10 inches away. They only see shades of black and white color at this age as well. (source) Because of this, they may not be able to participate in some things that an older baby would be able to, but there are still plenty of fun activities to do with them in the meantime! While their eyesight is limited, babies can still feel touch, hear the songs you sing, and can make connections with the world around them.


newborn baby laying down on back and looking directly into camera


What gross motor skills should a 1 month old have?

Gross motor skills are the abilities required for a person to control the large muscles in their body for movement. From birth to 2 months of age, look for your baby to start doing these milestones:

  • Following sounds by turning their head side to side while on back
  • Kicking both legs and moving arms while on back
  • Start to practice lifting head up when spending time on their tummy
  • Brings hands toward their eyes and mouth


22 Engaging 1 Month Old Baby Activities


1. Bath time

Bath time can be a calming and relaxing experience that newborn babies love. Add some breast milk into the bath water for an added boost that moisturizes baby’s skin and helps with skin issues like baby acne and diaper rashes.

Have a baby that doesn’t enjoy bath time so much? Try loosely swaddling baby in a blanket before putting them in the warm water. Then, individually unwrap each limb to wash before re-swaddling and moving on to the next limb. This will keep baby warm and happy during bath time!


2. Show baby how to blow raspberries

Blowing raspberries can be one of the best things to do that most babies love. It entertains baby grabbing their attention, while also teaching them how to make different facial expressions. In a few months you will see your sweet babe start to mimic you!


3. Water play

When I had my first baby, someone told me if your child is having a rough day and cranky – do one of two things. Either get them outside or in water. That will improve BOTH of your moods significantly and help your day get better. The same goes for babies!

Your baby will love time in the water – whether it is the bath or pool time. If you don’t have access to a pool, try using a pan to fill some water in and let baby kick and splash in!


4. Do bicycles with baby

Lay baby on his/her back and move baby’s legs in a circular motion like he or she is riding a bike. If baby suffers from gas, this will help relieve them and get things ‘moving’! This is also a great time to talk to baby and connect with them face-to-face.


5. Make animated face expressions

Making animated facial expressions at your baby is such a fun way to bond with them. I love doing this with my littles, because as baby grows he/she will start to mimic the faces that you’re making. So much fun watching them learn new skills and start to be silly!


mom leaning over newborn baby that is laying on changing table and interacting with baby making the baby smile


6. Time outside

This goes back to what I was talking about on #3. Time spent outdoors in fresh air and sunshine is SO important, even for a one month old baby.

If the weather is nice, grab baby’s bouncer and a comfy chair for you, and head outside for some vitamin D. Baby will enjoy the warm sunshine and all the interesting noises going on around her!


RELATED: Grab your free printable newborn daily care log here.


7. Baby massage

Massage has many benefits – not only for emotional bonding, but for baby’s developmental milestones has well. It can help with colic and gas, promotes relaxation and relieving tension in muscles, and benefit in building a strong bond with your newborn baby. (source)

Baby massage doesn’t have to be complicated! Check out this article on how to safely give baby a calming and relaxing massage. It can also be as simple as putting some coconut oil on baby’s scalp and using a soft baby brush to massage their little head in gentle, circular motions. My little one’s always loved this (and bonus, this also helps with cradle cap!).


8. Read to baby

You may be thinking ‘why would I read to a baby that doesn’t understand what I’m saying and can’t really see the pictures yet?’. But reading to young babies is so much more than that! It sets a strong foundation for language development that will help them lifelong.

Even though baby cannot see the book details, he or she can hear the love in your voice as you read them the book. So snuggle up together and crack open one of your beloved children’s books. Your little one will be comforted hearing you read to them, and feel safe in the calming environment you’ve created.


9. Put them in baby carrier

Wearable baby carriers are great for bonding with your baby AND having the ability to complete tasks around the house if you need to get something done. Also, most babies love carriers! They get to hangout with momma, hearing her heartbeat and smelling her scent, and they feel safe by the snug swaddle-like position they are in.

I’ve used a few different carriers in the past, and always come back to a ring sling to wear around the house. It isn’t too ‘structured’, so it is comfortable to wear for long periods of time. I also didn’t need about 3 college degrees to figure out how to put it on, which helps. 😉


10. Black and white picture books and toys

Books with bold, contrasting patterns are an awesome way to entertain baby while helping baby’s eyesight develop. Showing baby these patterns can be done in several different ways. You can prop a book up while they are enjoying tummy time, or hang a black and white mobile above their changing table to gaze at. You can even show them black and white family pictures!

I have a free printable black and white picture book that you can check out HERE. I also show you how to bind the book (easily!) for lasting enjoyment HERE.


11. Taking a Walk

Going for a walk not only gets baby outside for a bit, but also gives you some fresh air as well. Make it fun! Meet up with a friend and visit a new park you’ve never been to before. Test out the new stroller, or put baby in a wearable carrier instead.


12. A Fun Car Ride

Does your baby like to be on the move? Car rides can be a fun activity for them, OR a calming one that may let baby get some extra rest. (And momma a little break!)

So strap baby in and go for a little drive. And make sure to stop and grab a coffee for yourself while you’re out and about.


13. Have a Conversation with Baby

It may seem silly to have a conversation with a newborn baby, but you’d be surprised at how much he or she may be paying attention! Talking with your 1 month old can help with listening skills as they grow, and YOU get to see baby’s personality start to shine through when he or she starts reacting to things that you say or do.

It may be as simple as an eyebrow raise or smile, but it is so special and something you will cherish!


14. Tummy Time

As baby learns to hold his head up more, tummy time can be a fun thing to spend with baby. Place different objects in front of your newborn to see if he makes eye contact with it.

If your newborn baby isn’t thrilled about tummy time quite yet, be patient and keep working with him a little each day. As baby’s little neck muscles strengthen, he will start to enjoy this time more and more!


baby lying on his belly on the floor looking directly at camera curious


15. Mirror Time

I always love doing this with my little ones. I enjoy seeing if they will catch eye of me or them, and what their reaction may be. Try putting their bouncer seat in front of a tall mirror, or hold them facing forward in front of one.


16. Have Baby Turn Head Side-to-Side to Sound

Baby reacting to sound by turning his head is a developmental milestone to work towards in the first month.

Try laying baby down on his back and shaking a rattle gently on one side of his head. Most times baby will turn, trying to figure out what that sound is!


17. Explore Different Textures

Baby books that have different textures are a great toy to have in your inventory. These types of books are not only great for young babies to be introduce to new textures, but also to enjoy and learn about as baby gets bigger.

We LOVE these ‘If I were an animal’ series. They have lots of cool textures to show baby and they are so sweet to read to them. They are also strong board books that will last a long time. (Even through the teething stage!)


18. Brush up on Your Children’s Songs

Singing songs to your 1 month old baby is a great way to grab their attention and even calm them down if they are fussy. Both of my babies as always loved music – so much that we seem to have a toy/sound machine in every corner of our house, ha!

Not a fan of kid music? That’s okay! Turn on some of your favorite songs and sing them to your newborn. That’s a win-win situation for both your one month old AND momma.


19. Physical Touch and Cuddle Time

My daughter gets fussy occasionally, and sometimes all she needs is just some extra cuddles. After spending some extra time close to me, feeling me breathe, holding my hand while nursing – she is good to go.

Don’t be afraid to spend some extra time curled up on the couch with your little love. Stroke the side of baby’s face, talking to her while making eye contact, and enjoy this bonding time!


mom sitting in chair looking down at sleeping baby while cuddling him


20. Gaze Out Window

Need to get some things done around the house? Try putting your 1 month old in a bouncer and set near a window with the curtains pulled back, letting in warm sunshine. Be careful not to let the sun directly in her eyes though.


21. Lean Back and Prop Baby up Against Your Legs

Propping baby up against your legs is an easy but fun way to connect with them. Make it a game by playing peek a boo with them, or simply make eye contact and have a conversation with baby.


22. Playdates With Other Moms and Babies

Setting up a playdate can be an awesome way to connect with local moms who are going through similar things in life. Find some fun events in the community that you can go to together, or plan a coffee date with other mom friends and their little ones.

Getting out of the house (even just for an hour) can make a world of difference, especially for stay at home moms. Make sure to take the time and go enjoy yourself! Baby will love having new play experiences and seeing new environments.



Getting into a routine as a new parent can be hard, especially during the first month. The days can be long, and you may wonder what you can even do with a one month old. While baby is still developing and learning during the initial months, there are plenty of activities to enjoy with your newborn.


These activities don’t require any special items or expensive gear! Just time spent with you and your baby. By taking the little extra time out of your day, you will create a lasting bond with your 1 month old baby and strengthen baby’s development as he or she grows.


Leave in the comments below your favorite way to spend time with your newborn. Also, Tag mommythehomemaker on Instagram of you and your sweet little one spending time together!


Thank you for stopping by, I hope you have a wonderful day!


Read more about my story here


Check out my FREE printable black and white picture book for newborns HERE.


baby boy sitting on grass outside looking up towards camera smiling

mom holding young baby up in front of a window looking at baby smiling and laughing

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