Baby Registry Checklist PDF Free Printable

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Please join me on this journey in motherhood where you’ll find everything from activities to do with your kiddos to budget-friendly recipes. I’m so glad you’re here!

This baby registry checklist PDF includes all of the newborn must haves that you will find yourself needing when bringing baby home. From travel gear to essentials for mom, this checklist covers it all — and leaves out all of the unnecessary items. Read below to grab the free printable today and to find out what supplies are ACTUALLY helpful for the new baby… And what things that are not so much. Your sanity levels will thank me later. 😉


Graphic with a printable checklist for baby registry


When to start prepping for your new baby


Preparing for a new little one to arrive can be stressful to say the least. Getting the nursery cleaned out, picking out decor, what breast pump to buy, learning how to use the car seat…


There is A LOT to remember and it can get overwhelming very fast. While we have 9 months to prepare and space things out that need to be done, most of time it doesn’t happen like that. Time comes down to a crunch and pretty soon it’s baby time! This happened with my first baby.


We held off on most of the ‘nesting’ but much to our surprise, I was diagnosed with Pre-Elampsia at 32 weeks. I ended up being hospitalized, and our sweet boy arrived at 33 weeks 3 days. We had hardly anything prepared for when we brought him home!


I became SO overwhelmed that we had nothing ready! My family was wonderful and helped get the nursery put together, and also showered us with supplies needed for baby and I. From nursing bras to newborn outfits, we were covered!


But through all of that, I hated the feeling of walking into our home and realizing how much there was still to do. 


For our next pregnancy we made sure to get at least the ‘big stuff’ done in the second trimester. Things like the newborn essentials and outfits were taken care of ahead of time! While our daughter was born a little early, things went so much smoother that time around. I know it was because we prepped all that we could before she arrived. 


If you can, hold off on prepping for baby until after your baby shower. After that, try to get everything prepped as early as possible so things are a little less stressful when you bring baby home!


picture of a printed out checklist for a baby registry


Make life easier with this baby registry checklist PDF


We all know that planning for baby can get intense, but WHAT to buy for baby shouldn’t be hard. In fact, this should be the most fun part of planning during your pregnancy!


There are a lot of options out there today of what to buy. But sometimes the most simplest and straightforward items are what works best. Read below to find out exactly what are newborn must haves are… And what you need to stock up on for baby. 


RELATED: Free printable black and white picture book for newborns – perfect for tummy time!


Newborn Travel Essentials


While you really don’t need a ton of extra baby supplies, you DO need to have some special travel hacks for baby. Below is a list of newborn must haves for when traveling out and about with baby.

  • A good travel system (with a car seat that hooks into the stroller)
  • Diaper bag, or some type of backpack that is easy to access and throw over your shoulder.
  • A good car seat cover like this if you are in a cold climate or baby is due in winter. Blankets work okay, but an actual cover for the seat is best to keep cold air out. 
  • Baby carrier (this is a must!)
  • Car mirror or better yet, a car camera for baby with night vision — so helpful to have, especially in the early newborn days.


Gear for the Home


Keep costs low and your home uncluttered with these few selected, must have baby items:

  • A good quality swing — I have this travel swing, and used it for both of mine. It was seriously some of the best money spent! Since it is travel size, it doesn’t take up very much room and it had everything we needed. Neither of my babies ever loved the side-to-side swings – just a regular ole small swing did the trick every time!
  • Bouncer, or something to put baby in for a few minutes at a time. This is so helpful if you also have a toddler and need to tend to them, or trying to make supper and need both hands for a moment.
  • Walker, or something like it to entertain baby for a few moments at a time. 


Diaper Supplies


Don’t forget arguably the most important baby items of all time. 😉

  •  Plenty of diapers and wipes (try to stock up on diapers of various sizes!)
  • Diaper cream
  • A quality diaper pail like this one
  • Changing pad so you don’t have to kneel down on the floor to change baby’s diaper. Your back will thank you later!


Nursery Supplies


Below are most essential newborn must haves for the nursery:

  • Crib and a few sheets — don’t forget a mattress protector too!
  • Pack n play (whether you use it for traveling or just as a back-up, these things ALWAYS get used and come in handy when you need it.) 
  • Bassinet to put next to your bed. A bedside bassinet is a game changer when it comes to nighttime feedings! 
  • Rocking chair
  • Sound machine
  • Children’s clothing hangers
  • Video/Sound monitor — definitely optional, but does give you peace in mind when checking in on baby.


picture of a printed out checklist for a baby registry




Whether breastfeeding, pumping, or formula feeding — make sure you have the newborn must haves below:

  • Bottles
  • Pacifiers (a few different kinds is a smart choice to make, you never know what baby will prefer!)
  • High chair
  • Silicone fruit feeders — may seem silly but trust me, this is a perfect solution for when baby really wants to start table food but isn’t quite there yet!
  • Bibs 


Newborn Clothing Essentials and Linen Supplies


This area is one that you can really go crazy with, or maybe scale back to a more minimalist approach. Below is a more minimalist clothing/linens list but feel free to stock up on whatever works for your individual family!

  • Muslin Swaddle Blankets — don’t skip out on these. It is a lightweight, yet warm blanket that has so many different uses!
  • Sleep sacks – Depending on what your baby will like you may have to try a few to see what works best. My son did SO well with these swaddles, in fact we used them all the way up until he outgrew all of their sizes!
  • Receiving blankets
  • Burp cloths
  • Gowns/Sleepers
  • Onesies
  • Socks
  • Seasonal hat depending on the climate you live in.


Baby Bath Must Haves


While this area doesn’t require much, these few items will take the stress away when it comes time to give baby his/her first bath.

  • Bath tub (try to find one that will grow with baby like this one!)
  • Baby shampoo and wash
  • Lotion
  • Wash cloths and towels (you don’t need many of these)
  • Baby brush and comb — this will come in handy if your little one deals with cradle cap at all!


Newborn Toiletries List


Keep these items on hand so when baby is feeling under the weather, you already have them ready to go!

  • Nasal aspirator
  • Nail file and clippers (I recommend having both on hand, those tiny nails can be SHARP!)
  • Thermometer 
  • Fever Medicine — Our house swears by this brand. It has CLEAN ingredients so you don’t have to worry about any of the junk like red dye in it!
  • Humidifier


RELATED: Free printable newborn baby daily tracker


Play Time for Baby


Don’t forget these essential play items that you can start incorporating into baby’s daily routine immediately!

  • Activity mat
  • Teether toys
  • Books (my kids LOVE the Jellycat books when they were real young).


For Mama


Have these necessary items for yourself on hand before baby arrives:

  • Nursing cover
  • Haakaa (or silicone breast pump) AN ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE if you ever experience a clogged duct or mastitis!
  • Breast pump
  • Nursing bras and pads
  • Breastmilk storage bags
  • Boppy pillow
  • Memory book to capture all the lovely, unforgettable moments with your little one!


Supplies NOT included in the baby registry checklist PDF… Because, well… you probably don’t need them!


Dome portable travel bassinets 


Unless you are traveling to the beach quite a bit, I wouldn’t waste my time or space with one of these!


Wipes warmer


Chances are, you will always be changing baby in different parts of the house, so this will most likely be unused. 


Baby crib bumpers


While these are so cute to match with the nursery decor, they are wildly unsafe for baby so better to skip altogether.


Large floor playpens


These are an awesome idea but most kids want to be where their parent is. So unless you want to hang out in there with them, this is not a necessary item to have.


Toy organizer shelves with plastic bins


Unless you enjoy picking up the same toy 8 times a day, or spend 20 minutes organizing the bins just for it all to be dumped out immediately… I’d skip this one 😉


picture of a printed out list preparing for new baby


Final thoughts for your baby registry checklist PDF


In this busy season of planning and nesting, use this guide as a blueprint for what items are REALLY necessary for the new baby. Each home/family/baby is completely different and what works for one may not work for the other. So be sure to take a look over the list, take what you need from it, and experiment what will work for you. This season is such a fun and exciting time as you anticipate the arrival of your little one! 


Let me know in the comments below what is your newborn must haves, and what is your favorite item on the baby registry checklist PDF. Thank you for stopping by, I hope you have an amazing week ahead.


RELATED: 22 entertaining activities to do with your newborn


Graphic with a printable of a list preparing for new baby

Graphic with a printable of a list preparing for new baby

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