How to Make Padsicles: The Best Way to Help Vaginal Delivery Recovery

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Please join me on this journey in motherhood where you’ll find everything from activities to do with your kiddos to budget-friendly recipes. I’m so glad you’re here!

Read below to find out exactly how to make padsicles. This essential postpartum item will not only speed up your vaginal delivery recovery, but it will provide some much needed relief! Padsicles DIY are perfect to make ahead of time so they are ready to go when you need them most. Requiring just 4 items to make, you’ll have these in the freezer in no time!


graphic showing a bottle of witch hazel, aloe vera gel, essential oils, ziploc, and maxi pad




You probably won’t find a padsicle recipe on any “standard” postpartum must haves list… But they are possibly one of the most important things you can do to help with your vaginal delivery recovery. 


Padsicles are simply a maxi pad unwrapped and applied with aloe Vera gel, witch hazel, and essential oils. Then the pad is wrapped back up and put in the freezer for when you need it most! The pad absorbs a little bit of the liquid, and freezes into a really nice perineal cooling pad. 


These perineal ice packs are extremely cost effective and take minutes to put together. When you’re in full blown baby nesting mode, make sure to add these on your to-do list! Later, you will be so grateful to yourself when you get home with your newborn and need some relief from pain down there. 




From pain from vaginal delivery, hemorrhoids, or tears – we’ve got a lot going on down there after birth! Padsicles are the perfect solution as it targets all three pain points and gives you QUICK relief. 


This padsicle recipe cost just a few dollars to make, using things you probably already have at home and a couple of drugstore items. No fancy, expensive postpartum kit here. Just a few extra minutes of free time and a little space in the freezer is all that is needed. 😉


I probably should have put this next information near the top because it is quite possibly the most important reason why you should be making these padsicles. So instead I’ll just make it bigger so you don’t miss it:


The ingredients that are used in these padsicles have amazing benefits and will help speed up postpartum recovery for you! 


Witch Hazel 


Witch hazel is an astringent that helps tighten skin and reduce inflammation that is present. It is safe to use externally on the vagina, perineum, and for hemorrhoids. It provides instant relief to burning or soreness! 


Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera is another natural pain reliever and helps heal wounds that may happen during childbirth. It has actually been proven to accelerate in the healing of postpartum perineal wounds! (source)


Essential oils 


Essential oils take your postpartum recovery to the next level. Geranium and cypress help with vaginal and hemorrhoid swelling. Lavender soothes the skin, is calming, and holds antimicrobial properties to speed up healing time. Frankincense helps to heal perineum tears and hemorrhoid troubles as well.  




picture showing a bottle of witch hazel, aloe vera gel, essential oils, ziploc, and maxi pad


Maxi Pads


Maxi pads are an item that you most likely already have at home! No special brand needed, just whatever you normally use works for these DIY postpartum pads.


Witch Hazel


Witch hazel can be picked up at any local drugstore, and it lasts forever. I just loveeeee the smell of it! Every time I go to use witch hazel as a face toner or anything, the smell takes me right back to the early postpartum days with my little ones. I would probably buy it as an air freshener if they sold that scent, ha! 


Aloe Vera Gel 


Aloe vera gel can also be found at any local drugstore or pharmacy. Just make sure you get an unscented, clear kind. Also, make sure you don’t grab the bottle meant for sunburns that has a cooling formula in it. While great to use if you have had too much sun, I don’t think it would be great to use in this instance. 😉


Essential Oils (Optional)


It is completely optional to use essential oils depending on what you may have available. Essential oils have some amazing healing benefits (more info about that listed above), but if you decide not to use them no big deal! Witch hazel and aloe vera gel still have great healing and relief properties that are great for vaginal delivery recovery. 


A Note About Using Essential Oils


Please use extreme caution when using essential oils. While they have awesome benefits, always research the type that you are using, dilution, proper carrier oils, and what to shy away from. Babies should never be exposed to essential oils as well.


Please note that I am not a licensed aromatherapist, I am just sharing what has worked for me in the past. Research what will work for you and your situation. 🙂 


RELATED: FREE Printable Newborn Routine Log




1. Prepare Maxi Pad


picture of a maxi pad opened up exposed.


To prepare the maxi pad, open it up to ‘expose’ the pad part but leave the plastic stuck to the sticky part on the back. 


If the pad that you’re using has wings, carefully remove the little paper it comes with and set aside. When the pad is all ready to place in the freezer, we will place the little paper back on the wing’s sticky part. 


2. Apply Aloe Vera Gel


picture showing how to make padsicles with a maxi pad opened with a bottle of aloe vera gel next to it.


Drizzle a good amount of aloe vera gel to the pad, don’t be stingy with the amount as the pad will absorb some of it. Don’t worry about spreading it out right now, we will do that after we have everything on the padsicle. 


3. Apply Witch Hazel


picture of a maxi pad opened with a bottle of witch hazel next to it.


Once the aloe is on the padsicle, go ahead and apply the witch hazel generously from one end to the other.


4. Add Essential Oils


a picture of a maxi pad opened up with a hand holding a bottle of essential oils, applying it directly to the opened pad.


If using any essential oils, go ahead and put a few drops throughout the pad now. Read above to see which ones are great for postpartum recovery. Geranium and cypress, Lavender, and Frankincense are all great choices. 


You can use a combination of a few different ones or just stick to one – whichever works best for you!


5. Mix and Spread Out the Mixture


a picture of a maxi pad opened up with a small blue spatula laying on top of it.


Grab a small spatula (or the back of a spoon works too!) and start mixing everything together that you just applied. Work the mixture into all areas of the pad so you will have relief with tears, hemorrhoids, etc. 


6. Fold the Padsicle Back Up and Place in Freezer 


picture of a maxi pad folded up to be closed.


If your pad has wings on it, now is the time to fold those back into place and put the little piece of paper back on to cover the sticky part. 


Then fold the pad itself back up like it was when you first unwrapped it. If making multiples (which I highly recommend!), place in a freezer Ziploc baggie before storing them in the freezer. 




In short, use these padsicles ASAP after having your baby. 😉 Seriously though, have several of these ready to go in the freezer and use when needed – especially the first few days postpartum. 


Any time that you are in pain, go ahead and grab one of these to use. When I had my daughter, I used one of these every few hours for the first few days because it provided SO much relief and helped regulate the pain level that I was in.




Before storing, make sure to place them in a Ziploc bag meant for freezer use. Although these padsicles DIY never truly “go bad”, I recommend using them within 6-8 weeks after making them. After that time, the ingredients could start to lose their potency and not provide as much relief.


picture showing how to make padsicles with a bottle of witch hazel, aloe vera gel, essential oils, ziploc, and maxi pad.




I bet when you first found out that you were pregnant you didn’t think you’d being learning how to make padsicles, but here we are and trust me it is SO worth it! 😉 These padsicles are one of the best natural pain relievers for vaginal delivery recovery, and can also help with speeding up healing time. 


Padsicles require just a few inexpensive ingredients, and can be made up to 6-8 weeks ahead of time so they are ready to go in the early postpartum days!


There are so many different ways to prepare for baby’s birth. What is your one postpartum essential that you swear by? Let me know in the comments below!


RELATED: Make This Free DIY Baby Book for Newborns in 3 Easy Steps


graphic showing how to make padsicles with a bottle of witch hazel, aloe vera gel, essential oils, ziploc, and maxi pad. another picture showing someone applying essential oils to a maxi pad.

graphic showing how to make padsicles with a bottle of witch hazel, aloe vera gel, essential oils, ziploc, and maxi pad.

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