Have you felt disconnected from God and want to get closer to Him this year?
Maybe life has been pretty crazy lately and it has been pretty hard to carve out time with Him. Maybe your day starts off running and by the time that it slows down, you’re exhausted and just want to head to bed.
We’ve all been there.
But you also have that ‘nudge’. That unmistakable nudge that could only be from Him… almost like God is saying “Hey, we need to get back into this routine. Or “Hey, let’s start this again.”
I’ve been having that ‘nudge’ and want to better dedicate my time for Him!
Introducing my newest joyful undertaking…
In my new printable prayer journal, I share 52 weeks of prayer prompts to strengthen your walk with the Lord. Each week you’ll write down a verse of your choosing to pray over, spaces to reflect on it, write down your praises and thanksgiving to Him, AND your prayers for your community, family, church, nation, etc.
Check in once a week or use it as a daily check-in to see where your heart is and to give God the quiet time to speak directly to you.
Inside you’ll find:
- 52 weeks of guided prompts and sections to share exactly where your heart is at and meditate over God’s word
- A dedicated section to include a weekly verse of your choosing
- Spaces to give thanks and praise to the Lord, or any reflections that are currently swirling around in your head
- 180 one word prompts to pray over your husband, kids, church, and nation
- Sections to write in answered prayers & God ‘winks’ for that week
Enjoy all of this in a downloadable PDF you can easily view on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop or print it out for a physical copy.
I pray that your faith is grown exponentially this year, and God places His hand on your life like never before. xoxo, Kara at Mommy the Homemaker