28 Prayers Before Mealtime for Kids (Free Printable)

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Please join me on this journey in motherhood where you’ll find everything from activities to do with your kiddos to budget-friendly recipes. I’m so glad you’re here!

Have you ever felt lost on what prayer to read before meals for kids? What I have compiled below isn’t just a list of common prayers. Read further to check out my comprehensive list of 28 interesting prayers to learn with your child that is perfect for mealtimes!


To save them to use at dinnertime, simply put in your email below to have the verses sent directly to you. I’ve put the verses in an easy to read PDF printable so you and your child can refer back to them again and again.




I hope this list not only encourages your child in their walk with Christ, but also inspires them in their own praying journey.


1.) The Lords Prayer


Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name. 

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins as we forgive those

Who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.



2.) A New Day Prayer


Dear God,

Thank you for protecting us throughout the night,

And giving us this fresh, new day. 

Forgive me, Lord, for my past sins

And I pray that in everything I do today,

It is for the glory of you. 

Help me to help others,

And to be kind to everyone I meet.

Help me grow closer to you today, Lord,

And to help me become the Christian I am meant to be.



3.) The Dinner Table Prayer


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for all who sit around this dinner table today. 

Forgive us of our mistakes 

And take tender care of our hearts.

Heal us where we are lacking,

Help us grow as loving people.

Please bless each person here today 

So that they may always walk in Your word.

Whatever trials they may face, 

Remind them of the work of Your hands.

And help them to always remember the needs of others.

Thank you for this life and for the people I get to share it with.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Looking to start reading the Bible with your child?


This storybook Bible and toddler’s Bible is what we use for our children and we LOVE them. They are simple to understand, have a clear meaning, and don’t have any unnecessary ‘add-ins’ that aren’t from the Bible. Check them out here and here.                


4.) The Simple Joy Prayer


O Lord,

Thank You for all the good things that You have created.

The smell of rain after it thunderstorms,

The smell of sun on clothing after being outside all day

A baby’s belly laugh

A bird singing first thing in the morning.

The first morning of summer after the last day of school,

Or knowing you just met your very best friend.

All of these simple joys are the greatest gifts in life.

I pray that we never forget these blessings,

And never let life get too busy for them.

Thank You Lord Jesus for Your love,

And such joy.



5.) A Lunch Prayer


Dear Lord,

Today we gather for lunch,

After a busy morning routine.

Thank You for this rest time with the ones we love most.

Forgive us of the times we fell short this morning,

And help us do better this afternoon. 

Help us stay calm with one another,

And align our hearts with You above.

Protect the hearts of each member of our family,

Let love be at the forefront in all situations. 

Thank You for this good food,



6.) The Family Prayer


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for our family 

And the love that we have for each other.

Through perfect judgment

We have been paired to laugh together,

Make memories with each other,

And sometimes cry with one another.

We have been truly blessed.

I pray that in our daily lives

We always remember to love each other,

And to remember we are each children of God.

Help us all to live for You, always.

Thank You for Your countless blessings.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


7.) Jesus Lives Prayer


Thank You Jesus for living in our hearts,

Whom we can call on at any hour.

Thank You for being our comforting Father,

Always ready to heal, reassure, 

And wrap Your loving arms around us.

Help us to live like You, Lord. 

Help us to always be ready to give,

Comfort those who are grieving,

And to extend love in all circumstances.

Thank You for Your love and our promise of eternal life. 

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.


8.) Our Evening Prayer


Dear God,

We have had a busy day of work, school, and life. 

As we sit down tonight,

Help us to reflect on all of Your good works.

Help us remember the countless blessings

You have given us.

Thank You for our unique gifts that we can use to bless others.

Thank You for showing us a perfect example on how to love,

So that we can show brave love to everyone

Including strangers.

Help us to grow each day

And respond to all situations how You would like us to.

Please protect my family tonight,

And those who need Your comfort.

Thank you for this evening, Lord.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


9.) Our Daily Bread Prayer


God is great, God is good.

Let us thank Him for our food.

By His hands, we are fed.

Thank You, Lord, for our daily bread.



10.) Grace Before Meal Prayer


Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts,

Which we are about to receive from Thy bounty,

Through Christ our Lord.



11.) The Simple Prayer


Thank You, Lord, for the food before us,

The family beside us,

And the love between us.



12.) A Prayer for Small Children


Dear God,

Thank You for this day,

And for watching over me.

Help me make the right choices

That makes You glad.

Thank You for always being there for me.

Please keep me safe today,

And protect my family.

Help me show love to others. 



13.) A Good Morning Prayer


Dear Lord,

Thank You for this bright, new morning

And for keeping me safe through the night.

Please forgive me of my sins,

And help me show Your love to everyone I meet today.

Thank You for giving me new chances,

And for fresh hope each morning.

I pray that I bring You great joy with my actions and words today.

Thank you for this morning.



14.) A Short Children’s Prayer


Dear God,

Thank you for this day,

My family, friends, and animals.

Please keep us safe.

Help me do the right thing today,

And show Your love to everyone. 






15.) Help Us Have Grateful Hearts Prayer


Dear Lord Jesus,

As we gather around this table today,

Help us remember all that You have blessed us with.

Let us have grateful hearts in everything we do.

No matter if it is play or work, 

Let us have joyful spirits radiating from us. 

Let us do this so that those who do not know You

Can see Your love and blessings. 

Thank You for Your comfort and friendship, Lord.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


16.) Short Prayer for a Mealtime Blessing


Dear Lord,

Thank You for this food that You have laid before us.

I pray that each person sitting at this table 

Feels Your love and comfort tonight. 

Help us to take our gifts, 

And lead the lost back to You.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.


17.) Back to School Prayer


Dear Lord,

I pray that this new school year is full of blessings and growth.

Help me learn new skills, 

Gain new friends,

And act in Your name with everything that I do.

Please keep me safe throughout the year,

And help me to always do the right thing. 

Thank You for this new school year,

And all the opportunities I will get to experience.

Help me use it for Your glory.

In Your heavenly name, Amen.


18.) The Hardest Day Prayer


Oh Lord,

Today has been a hard day.

Nothing has gone right,

Sometimes I feel discouraged, 

Or I feel angry.

Help me keep You at the forefront of my mind. 

Thank You for the reset that each new day provides,

And for Your comfort when I am down. 

Please be with me today,

And guide me in each circumstance that comes my way.

Thank You for being a loving and forgiving God.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. 


19.) Take Good Care Prayer


Dear Lord,

Thank You for the unique personality 

And person that You have created me to be.

My body is a temple for Your spirit, 

Please help me to always treat it with respect,

So that I may point others back to You. 

Help me to live a healthy lifestyle,

One that is active in my community

And attentive to the ones in need. 

Above all, help me take good care of my spirit

So that I may walk in Your path 

And show others the love that You give so freely.

Thank you for this life, and your guidance in everything I do.



20.) The Good Friends Prayer


Dear Lord,

Thank You for this meal shared with good friends.

I pray that You will bless each person sitting at this table,

With Your love and secure protection. 

Help us walk in the light of Your path,

And to keep a lifelong friendship with You. 

Let our love for You shine brightly,

So that others may see Your goodness.

Bless this food before us,

And let us enjoy fellowship together.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


21.) An Easter Prayer


Dear Father,

Thank You for this powerful gift, 

That You loved us so much to give.

Help us remember the hope 

That lives in Christ Jesus

And let us walk with a new light

Or sight

And think back to the day

That Jesus paid the price

So that we could gain eternal life.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.


22.) A Christmas Prayer


Dear Lord,

Thank You for this special time of year

When we remember our Savior’s birthday.

Help us to remember the real reason we are here.

Not the presents, or snow, or even the good cheer.

But for the little baby born in a barn,

That would later save the world

And give us a bright, new hope for life after ‘here’.

Thank You for this gift,

Help us use it well

Let all who know us know Him

And that, that is truly GOOD CHEER.



23.) A New Year Prayer


Dear God,

As the New Year comes quickly,

Help us remember You firstly.

I pray that no matter what transpires in the next year,

We keep you at the center

And the fruits of the spirit. 

Let new people walk into our lives,

Ones that we can witness to

And ones that we can grow from. 

No matter what, 

Let each of us walk directly in Your path,

For Your glory.

Please keep us safe,

And protect our hearts.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


24.) A Perfect Lunch Prayer


Dear God,

Thank You for this time to sit down 

And enjoy this meal together.

Thank You for always having our best interests at heart,

And having a warm embrace 

When life gets tough.

Please forgive our sins

And help us to always speak love.

Help us use this day for Your good work,

And let Your will be done.

Please protect each of us throughout the day.

Thank you, Lord, for this lunch.



25.) A Thanksgiving Prayer


Dear God,

Thank You for this day,

And for time spent with those we love.

Thank You for the beautiful outdoors,

And for the simple things that make us smile.

Thank You for our work to do good things,

And for the hope that you give in each circumstance.

Thank You for Your friendship,

And loving reminders that You send us.

Thank You for the special people that walk in our life. 

Thank You for the lessons that You teach along the way.

Help us to always use Your work for good.

Thank you for this meal before us,



26.) School’s Out Prayer


Dear Lord,

Thank You for a successful year in school,

And for always keeping my best interests in mind.

Through ups and downs,

I always know that You are near.

Thank You for the everlasting comfort that You provide.

Help me use this summer for You.

Help me spread the good news,

And help those in need without question. 

Let me stay patient with those I love,

And peace with the life that I live.

Thank You for this day, the meal before me,

And the summer ahead!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


27.) The Best Day Prayer


Dear God,

Thank You for the best day ever.

You are such a kind and loving God,

Thank You for Your many blessings.

I pray that throughout this day and everyday,

I will always live for you,

Depend on you for guidance,

And spread the good news about you.

Let my heart be forever grateful 

For the price that Jesus paid

So that I may have eternal life with You.

Thank You for the best day,

And everyday that I get to be your child.

In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


28.) All of God’s Creatures Prayer


Dear Lord,

Thank You for all the creatures that roam this earth.

From the cuddliest, fluffiest puppy

To the smallest flying bug.

They are all Your creatures,

And for that we are blessed.

Help us all be good keepers of the earth,

Including each living thing on it.

Let love be what leads us

And always help when there is trouble.

I pray that each animal on this earth

Feels loved and safe today,

And knows that You are their God.

Thank You for the blessings that animals are!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


How to Use These Prayers Before Meals for Kids


Incorporating these mealtime prayers into your daily routine is easy, and use in multiple ways. 


One of the ways is to have the child pick out one that they resonate with that day, have them recite it, and that counts as the daily mealtime prayer.


Another way is to have the parent pick out a prayer, read it, then have the child to say a prayer afterwards based on what they picked out as important from the prayer.


You can also pick out just one prayer for week. This will help the child really remember it, know it’s meaning, and understand what they’re praying about.


Or, you can pick a new one out each day to change things up with something new.


Do what works best for you and your child!


Where To Say These Prayers


These prayers are perfect to add into your daily routine at any mealtime, and also for group events like:


  • A special occasion (like family visiting, or holiday event)
  • Family prayer time (or Devotion time)
  • Preschool class (or Sunday school)


A lot of these aren’t just limited to mealtimes either! You can easily say these with your child at bedtimes, in the car, in the morning after waking up, etc.


I hope you and your family enjoy these prayers, I sure had a great time putting these together.





Which is your favorite? What age did your child start to pray themselves? Let me know in the comments below!


Until next time, Kara




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