Read below to find out exactly how to make padsicles. This essential postpartum item will not only speed up your vaginal delivery recovery, but it will provide some much needed relief! Padsicles DIY are perfect to make ahead of time so they are ready to go when you need them most. Requiring just 4 items to make, you’ll have these in the freezer in no time!
You probably won’t find a padsicle recipe on any “standard” postpartum must haves list… But they are possibly one of the most important things you can do to help with your vaginal delivery recovery.
Padsicles are simply a maxi pad unwrapped and applied with aloe Vera gel, witch hazel, and essential oils. Then the pad is wrapped back up and put in the freezer for when you need it most! The pad absorbs a little bit of the liquid, and freezes into a really nice perineal cooling pad.
These perineal ice packs are extremely cost effective and take minutes to put together. When you’re in full blown baby nesting mode, make sure to add these on your to-do list! Later, you will be so grateful to yourself when you get home with your newborn and need some relief from pain down there.
From pain from vaginal delivery, hemorrhoids, or tears – we’ve got a lot going on down there after birth! Padsicles are the perfect solution as it targets all three pain points and gives you QUICK relief.
This padsicle recipe cost just a few dollars to make, using things you probably already have at home and a couple of drugstore items. No fancy, expensive postpartum kit here. Just a few extra minutes of free time and a little space in the freezer is all that is needed. 😉
I probably should have put this next information near the top because it is quite possibly the most important reason why you should be making these padsicles. So instead I’ll just make it bigger so you don’t miss it:
The ingredients that are used in these padsicles have amazing benefits and will help speed up postpartum recovery for you!
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is an astringent that helps tighten skin and reduce inflammation that is present. It is safe to use externally on the vagina, perineum, and for hemorrhoids. It provides instant relief to burning or soreness!
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is another natural pain reliever and helps heal wounds that may happen during childbirth. It has actually been proven to accelerate in the healing of postpartum perineal wounds! (source)
Essential oils
Essential oils take your postpartum recovery to the next level. Geranium and cypress help with vaginal and hemorrhoid swelling. Lavender soothes the skin, is calming, and holds antimicrobial properties to speed up healing time. Frankincense helps to heal perineum tears and hemorrhoid troubles as well.
Maxi Pads
Maxi pads are an item that you most likely already have at home! No special brand needed, just whatever you normally use works for these DIY postpartum pads.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel can be picked up at any local drugstore, and it lasts forever. I just loveeeee the smell of it! Every time I go to use witch hazel as a face toner or anything, the smell takes me right back to the early postpartum days with my little ones. I would probably buy it as an air freshener if they sold that scent, ha!
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel can also be found at any local drugstore or pharmacy. Just make sure you get an unscented, clear kind. Also, make sure you don’t grab the bottle meant for sunburns that has a cooling formula in it. While great to use if you have had too much sun, I don’t think it would be great to use in this instance. 😉
Essential Oils (Optional)
It is completely optional to use essential oils depending on what you may have available. Essential oils have some amazing healing benefits (more info about that listed above), but if you decide not to use them no big deal! Witch hazel and aloe vera gel still have great healing and relief properties that are great for vaginal delivery recovery.
A Note About Using Essential Oils
Please use extreme caution when using essential oils. While they have awesome benefits, always research the type that you are using, dilution, proper carrier oils, and what to shy away from. Babies should never be exposed to essential oils as well.
Please note that I am not a licensed aromatherapist, I am just sharing what has worked for me in the past. Research what will work for you and your situation. 🙂
1. Prepare Maxi Pad
To prepare the maxi pad, open it up to ‘expose’ the pad part but leave the plastic stuck to the sticky part on the back.
If the pad that you’re using has wings, carefully remove the little paper it comes with and set aside. When the pad is all ready to place in the freezer, we will place the little paper back on the wing’s sticky part.
2. Apply Aloe Vera Gel
Drizzle a good amount of aloe vera gel to the pad, don’t be stingy with the amount as the pad will absorb some of it. Don’t worry about spreading it out right now, we will do that after we have everything on the padsicle.
3. Apply Witch Hazel
Once the aloe is on the padsicle, go ahead and apply the witch hazel generously from one end to the other.
4. Add Essential Oils
If using any essential oils, go ahead and put a few drops throughout the pad now. Read above to see which ones are great for postpartum recovery. Geranium and cypress, Lavender, and Frankincense are all great choices.
You can use a combination of a few different ones or just stick to one – whichever works best for you!
5. Mix and Spread Out the Mixture
Grab a small spatula (or the back of a spoon works too!) and start mixing everything together that you just applied. Work the mixture into all areas of the pad so you will have relief with tears, hemorrhoids, etc.
6. Fold the Padsicle Back Up and Place in Freezer
If your pad has wings on it, now is the time to fold those back into place and put the little piece of paper back on to cover the sticky part.
Then fold the pad itself back up like it was when you first unwrapped it. If making multiples (which I highly recommend!), place in a freezer Ziploc baggie before storing them in the freezer.
In short, use these padsicles ASAP after having your baby. 😉 Seriously though, have several of these ready to go in the freezer and use when needed – especially the first few days postpartum.
Any time that you are in pain, go ahead and grab one of these to use. When I had my daughter, I used one of these every few hours for the first few days because it provided SO much relief and helped regulate the pain level that I was in.
Before storing, make sure to place them in a Ziploc bag meant for freezer use. Although these padsicles DIY never truly “go bad”, I recommend using them within 6-8 weeks after making them. After that time, the ingredients could start to lose their potency and not provide as much relief.
I bet when you first found out that you were pregnant you didn’t think you’d being learning how to make padsicles, but here we are and trust me it is SO worth it! 😉 These padsicles are one of the best natural pain relievers for vaginal delivery recovery, and can also help with speeding up healing time.
Padsicles require just a few inexpensive ingredients, and can be made up to 6-8 weeks ahead of time so they are ready to go in the early postpartum days!
There are so many different ways to prepare for baby’s birth. What is your one postpartum essential that you swear by? Let me know in the comments below!
This baby registry checklist PDF includes all of the newborn must haves that you will find yourself needing when bringing baby home. From travel gear to essentials for mom, this checklist covers it all — and leaves out all of the unnecessary items. Read below to grab the free printable today and to find out what supplies are ACTUALLY helpful for the new baby… And what things that are not so much. Your sanity levels will thank me later. 😉
When to start prepping for your new baby
Preparing for a new little one to arrive can be stressful to say the least. Getting the nursery cleaned out, picking out decor, what breast pump to buy, learning how to use the car seat…
There is A LOT to remember and it can get overwhelming very fast. While we have 9 months to prepare and space things out that need to be done, most of time it doesn’t happen like that. Time comes down to a crunch and pretty soon it’s baby time! This happened with my first baby.
We held off on most of the ‘nesting’ but much to our surprise, I was diagnosed with Pre-Elampsia at 32 weeks. I ended up being hospitalized, and our sweet boy arrived at 33 weeks 3 days. We had hardly anything prepared for when we brought him home!
I became SO overwhelmed that we had nothing ready! My family was wonderful and helped get the nursery put together, and also showered us with supplies needed for baby and I. From nursing bras to newborn outfits, we were covered!
But through all of that, I hated the feeling of walking into our home and realizing how much there was still to do.
For our next pregnancy we made sure to get at least the ‘big stuff’ done in the second trimester. Things like the newborn essentials and outfits were taken care of ahead of time! While our daughter was born a little early, things went so much smoother that time around. I know it was because we prepped all that we could before she arrived.
If you can, hold off on prepping for baby until after your baby shower. After that, try to get everything prepped as early as possible so things are a little less stressful when you bring baby home!
Make life easier with this baby registry checklist PDF
We all know that planning for baby can get intense, but WHAT to buy for baby shouldn’t be hard. In fact, this should be the most fun part of planning during your pregnancy!
There are a lot of options out there today of what to buy. But sometimes the most simplest and straightforward items are what works best. Read below to find out exactly what are newborn must haves are… And what you need to stock up on for baby.
While you really don’t need a ton of extra baby supplies, you DO need to have some special travel hacks for baby. Below is a list of newborn must haves for when traveling out and about with baby.
A good travel system (with a car seat that hooks into the stroller)
Diaper bag, or some type of backpack that is easy to access and throw over your shoulder.
A good car seat cover like this if you are in a cold climate or baby is due in winter. Blankets work okay, but an actual cover for the seat is best to keep cold air out.
Baby carrier (this is a must!)
Car mirror or better yet, a car camera for baby with night vision — so helpful to have, especially in the early newborn days.
Gear for the Home
Keep costs low and your home uncluttered with these few selected, must have baby items:
A good quality swing — I have this travel swing, and used it for both of mine. It was seriously some of the best money spent! Since it is travel size, it doesn’t take up very much room and it had everything we needed. Neither of my babies ever loved the side-to-side swings – just a regular ole small swing did the trick every time!
Bouncer, or something to put baby in for a few minutes at a time. This is so helpful if you also have a toddler and need to tend to them, or trying to make supper and need both hands for a moment.
Walker, or something like it to entertain baby for a few moments at a time.
Diaper Supplies
Don’t forget arguably the most important baby items of all time. 😉
Plenty of diapers and wipes (try to stock up on diapers of various sizes!)
Changing pad so you don’t have to kneel down on the floor to change baby’s diaper. Your back will thank you later!
Nursery Supplies
Below are most essential newborn must haves for the nursery:
Crib and a few sheets — don’t forget a mattress protector too!
Pack n play (whether you use it for traveling or just as a back-up, these things ALWAYS get used and come in handy when you need it.)
Bassinet to put next to your bed. A bedside bassinet is a game changer when it comes to nighttime feedings!
Rocking chair
Sound machine
Children’s clothing hangers
Video/Sound monitor — definitely optional, but does give you peace in mind when checking in on baby.
Whether breastfeeding, pumping, or formula feeding — make sure you have the newborn must haves below:
Pacifiers (a few different kinds is a smart choice to make, you never know what baby will prefer!)
High chair
Silicone fruit feeders — may seem silly but trust me, this is a perfect solution for when baby really wants to start table food but isn’t quite there yet!
Newborn Clothing Essentials and Linen Supplies
This area is one that you can really go crazy with, or maybe scale back to a more minimalist approach. Below is a more minimalist clothing/linens list but feel free to stock up on whatever works for your individual family!
Muslin Swaddle Blankets — don’t skip out on these. It is a lightweight, yet warm blanket that has so many different uses!
Sleep sacks – Depending on what your baby will like you may have to try a few to see what works best. My son did SO well with these swaddles, in fact we used them all the way up until he outgrew all of their sizes!
Receiving blankets
Burp cloths
Seasonal hat depending on the climate you live in.
Baby Bath Must Haves
While this area doesn’t require much, these few items will take the stress away when it comes time to give baby his/her first bath.
Bath tub (try to find one that will grow with baby like this one!)
Baby shampoo and wash
Wash cloths and towels (you don’t need many of these)
Baby brush and comb — this will come in handy if your little one deals with cradle cap at all!
Newborn Toiletries List
Keep these items on hand so when baby is feeling under the weather, you already have them ready to go!
Nasal aspirator
Nail file and clippers (I recommend having both on hand, those tiny nails can be SHARP!)
Fever Medicine — Our house swears by this brand. It has CLEAN ingredients so you don’t have to worry about any of the junk like red dye in it!
Don’t forget these essential play items that you can start incorporating into baby’s daily routine immediately!
Activity mat
Teether toys
Books (my kids LOVE the Jellycat books when they were real young).
For Mama
Have these necessary items for yourself on hand before baby arrives:
Nursing cover
Haakaa (or silicone breast pump) AN ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE if you ever experience a clogged duct or mastitis!
Breast pump
Nursing bras and pads
Breastmilk storage bags
Boppy pillow
Memory book to capture all the lovely, unforgettable moments with your little one!
Supplies NOT included in the baby registry checklist PDF… Because, well… you probably don’t need them!
Dome portable travel bassinets
Unless you are traveling to the beach quite a bit, I wouldn’t waste my time or space with one of these!
Wipes warmer
Chances are, you will always be changing baby in different parts of the house, so this will most likely be unused.
Baby crib bumpers
While these are so cute to match with the nursery decor, they are wildly unsafe for baby so better to skip altogether.
Large floor playpens
These are an awesome idea but most kids want to be where their parent is. So unless you want to hang out in there with them, this is not a necessary item to have.
Toy organizer shelves with plastic bins
Unless you enjoy picking up the same toy 8 times a day, or spend 20 minutes organizing the bins just for it all to be dumped out immediately… I’d skip this one 😉
Final thoughts for your baby registry checklist PDF
In this busy season of planning and nesting, use this guide as a blueprint for what items are REALLY necessary for the new baby. Each home/family/baby is completely different and what works for one may not work for the other. So be sure to take a look over the list, take what you need from it, and experiment what will work for you. This season is such a fun and exciting time as you anticipate the arrival of your little one!
Let me know in the comments below what is your newborn must haves, and what is your favorite item on the baby registry checklist PDF. Thank you for stopping by, I hope you have an amazing week ahead.
This free printable newborn baby log is the perfect solution to keep track of how often baby is eating, how many diapers baby has used, and what their overall mood is for the day. Check out the printable below to download and start using today!
The first few weeks home with a new baby is often a complete blur of snuggles, cute photo ops, spit ups, family visiting, diaper blowouts, catching some snoozes when you can… It is one of my favorite stages of having a baby, but it can sure get real crazy REAL FAST.
One of my favorite ways to handle all the busyness while keeping some sort of a daily baby routine is to use this printable carelog. This baby tracking log takes all the guesswork out of when the baby has done what.
Most of the time when an infant is a bit older, a baby log isn’t always necessary. But I ALWAYS end up using one when my little one’s are first born and for the first few weeks. This baby log is a part of my minimalist newborn essentials checklist, as it does not take up any room to use and helps our daily routine SO MUCH.
It’s just so much easier and less stressful to have something written down for you or relatives to refer to. Then you don’t have an ‘UH-OH’ moment of how long baby has been sleeping… Or how long since baby nursed last. (Because we all know how sleepy newborns are when they first arrive!)
What is included in the free printable newborn baby log
Dedicated sections to note all the important events that take place throughout baby’s daily routine like:
When baby ate last and how much
Times that his/her diaper was changed and what it was
Track sleep patterns with the baby sleep log included
Daily activities that baby enjoyed
Space to list any medications that baby may have been given throughout the day
BONUS SECTION: A space to include any special memories that may have happened that day and you want to remember. (Like baby meeting grandparents for first time, first bath, went to see big bro’s baseball game, etc. This is my favorite section!)
There are a variety of prompts for each section so every important detail is remembered, and it accommodates each family’s individual journey.
Baby Feeding Log
Whether you are breastfeeding your baby, formula feeding, exclusively pumping (or a combination) — There is space for each option.
Keep track of which side baby last nursed on, what time you pumped, or how many ounces of formula baby ate!
Diaper Change Log
The diaper change log is a simple way to keep track of how many dirty diapers that baby has throughout the day.
Write in the time and include what type of dirty diaper it was (just wet, BM, both). You can also put down what type/color baby’s poop is… The record keeping options are endless, ha! 😉
Baby Sleep Log
Write in when your newborn went to sleep and what time he/she woke up in the baby sleep log section.
This space is perfect for planning a day out with baby – simply look back a few days to see his/her sleep patterns (if there are any yet!)
Daily Activities
Keep track and record all the special moments you share with baby. This section is also great for making sure baby gets tummy time for the day, or outside fresh air on a certain day, etc.
If your little one comes down with a cold, use this area to write in the type of medication and time it was given.
I don’t know if you’re anything like me but if someone tells me a time… I HAVE to write it down somewhere otherwise I am second guessing it within 5 minutes! This space is ideal for people like me. 😉
“I Want to Remember…” Section
You’ll hear the saying “it goes by way too fast” a million times when baby arrives, and boy is it so true.
I used to think, “I’ll never forget the way my son giggles at 8 months, or my daughter’s reaction to the first time visiting the zoo.”
And thankfully the big, memorable moments are never forgotten… But the simple, little things are sometimes harder to remember. (And momma, you know as well as I do that those little things are JUST as important as the big moments!)
Use this section to remember the small but special moments that happen throughout your day with baby. Then store these pages in your baby’s memory book so you can look back and enjoy for years to come!
The beauty of this tracker is you can really adapt it to whatever need you and your family have in this season of life. It is a great addition to a minimalist newborn essentials inventory, as it doesn’t require any preparation and is simple to use.
If you are just bringing home your infant, this baby log is a great tool to use to make sure that nothing is forgotten throughout the day. Simply use a fresh page each day and input the date in the top right corner.
I recommend saving the pages so you have something to reference if you have a question about baby’s recent change in sleeping, eating, etc. (It is also great to take with you to the pediatrician!)
Not for just at home – great for daycare use too!
This baby log tracker is an awesome way to keep tabs on baby’s day if they are at daycare. All changes in baby’s routine are recorded with the baby log so nothing is missed and everyone can give baby the care that he/she needs.
Final Thoughts
This free printable newborn baby log is a perfect solution to the blurry days of early motherhood. Baby’s daily routine is completely monitored with this tracker so that nothing is missed and it relieves stress on everyone else! This baby care log is a great addition to a minimalist newborn essentials inventory.
Let me know below how you use the baby log tracker, and be sure to tag me on Instagram if you have a picture with an example.
Thank you for stopping by – I hope you have a GREAT week ahead!
This adorable high contrast DIY baby book may be the simplest toy to make for baby, but it has some of the best benefits that you can offer your newborn at this stage. Read below how you can put this black and white book together in 3 quick steps!
Since new babies are born with very little perception of color, it is important to start showing them high contrast images as soon as they start doing tummy time.
This visual stimulation not only grabs their attention, but it also…
Helps baby learn to focus
Develops their growing attention span
Cultivates a priceless connection through interaction with you and baby
Strengthens their eye muscles to work with their brain
Since newborns aren’t able to see color just yet, simple black and white pictures are the best way to introduce the world to your infant!
How can I incorporate showing high contrast patterns into our daily routine?
When I say this is one of the easiest activities to start doing TODAY with your little one, I mean it! Seriously, ANY black and white pictures or imagery will catch your baby’s attention. This can be done several ways like:
Black and white family pictures
High contrast books with sharp outlines
Flash cards
Black and white toys or wall decoration (think nursery decor!)
It doesn’t have to be complicated or take a bunch of time! Which is why I created this adorable black and white picture book. It is a free download that has 9 high quality and FUN images. Each page also has a quick little story/quote on it as well.
To download the book, check out my post here – then read below how to easily put the book together so you and your baby can start enjoying it.
Once you have the book printed and cut out, now it is time to quickly put it together. You only need 3 items to put this book together (and most will already have these things around the house!)
Supplies needed to make DIY baby book
The black and white picture book
Go ahead and download the book from your email, and print it out. Make sure to set the print settings to ‘Actual Size’, and it works best to set the page to ‘Landscape’ so it doesn’t cut off any of the book’s edges.
Check out this post if you still need to head over and grab the free printable.
Duct Tape
Any kind and any color of duct tape works! You just need something to put over the edges of the book to hold the pages together.
If you don’t already have this lying around your house somewhere, definitely check out your local dollar store to see if they have something that will work!
Plastic Sandwich Baggies
The book pages are 5 x 5 inches, so anything over that will work.. Just BEWARE – most of quart baggies have the white label on the outside of the bag, which will hide your book pages if you use them. It is best to look for the ‘sandwich’ size bags. They are just a tiny bit smaller than the quart bags and slightly thinner, but still work great and are completely clear for viewing the book pages.
See picture below of supplies and an example of the ‘sandwich’ baggies.
And that is it! Probably the easiest craft you’ll ever make for your child. No glitter or expensive supplies here… just a little bit of time and printer ink. 😉
How to make the black and white DIY baby book
As straightforward as the supplies list was, you’ll be blown away by how simple this DIY baby book is to put together. Seriously, it will probably only take 10 minutes of your time!
Before we begin putting the DIY baby book together, I must preface this and say please do NOT ever leave baby unattended with this black and white picture book. This toy is meant to be a learning tool for baby under direct supervision with the parent. The plastic should not ever go in baby’s mouth or around his/her face.
Okay, back to normal programming. Let’s get started making this book! 😉
Step 1
If you haven’t done so already, print and cut out the pages for the book and get them ready for whatever order you’d like for them to be in. I recommend printing the pages out with cardstock if you can, that way it stands up nicely if you want to prop it up while baby is having tummy time. All the pages go together with the same ‘theme’, but can stand alone too so it doesn’t matter what order they are in.
Step 2
Once you have the pages for the DIY baby book in the order you’d like, start putting them all in the sandwich bags. Do 2 pages per ziploc (so you’ll need 5 bags total).
When putting them in the bags, place the pages as close to the ‘zip’ part as possible. We’ll be putting the tape over the opposite end, so you’ll want that part clear.
Step 3
Time to start taping! Lay each baggie on top of one another in the order you’d like for them to go in.
After you get them nice and lined up, take a small piece of tape and place in the very middle. This is just to hold the pages in place while you put the rest of the ‘binding’ on.
Then you will cut a longer piece of tape and put this piece under the stack of baggies, along the entire side of that edge. Be careful not to go too far towards the pages with the tape, otherwise it could keep you from being able to turn the pages.
Fold that piece in half lengthwise to place on the other side of the stack of baggies.
At this point, I go ahead and fold the ‘leftovers’ on the edge up towards the book on both ends. This is just to give the book a nice polished edge with the tape.
To hide the ‘leftovers’, I cut one more piece of tape and placed it over the front of the book again, and folded it lengthwise like before.
This time instead of folding over the excess, I went ahead and cut it off right at the edge of the book. (If you’re using duct tape, it will hide nicely and not show a big raw edge there!)
You’re all done! Open it up and make sure you can turn each page. See… I wasn’t lying when I said that this is the single most easiest thing you will ever make for your child, ha!
Set this book up which baby is enjoying some time on their belly, and watch as it quickly grabs their attention. If you use cardstock for the pages, then this book should easily prop up so you’re little one can see it clearly!
Story Time
This DIY baby book has a quick little story or quote on each page, so feel free to enjoy it with them by having story time with your newborn.
Get comfy in the rocking chair together and enjoy that special bonding time with your little one.
Wall Decoration
If you choose not to put the pages in the Ziplocs, you can totally use them for decoration that your baby can gaze at. These are perfect to put on the wall by your changing table or play area so baby can easily enjoy them.
Final Thoughts
Black and white imagery is key for newborn babies’ visual development. There are several ways to incorporate this into your daily routine that are fun, grabs baby’s attention, and creates lasting connection for you and your little one.
This is such a special time with your newborn that goes by way too quick. I hope you enjoy this sweet little book with baby! Let me know in the comments if you made it, and make sure to tag me on Instagram with a picture at @mommythehomemaker.
Thank you for stopping by, I hope you have a great week ahead!
Showing black and white pictures for babies is one of the most important things you can do for their development – And it doesn’t have to be complicated! Check out below how you can help baby’s vision with this FREE printable black and white picture book.
Why Black and White Pictures are Important for Babies
Newborn babies are born with a very limited perception of color. In fact, it is expected for baby’s color vision to continue developing over the course of the first 5 months! (source) Black and white are the only colors that baby’s eyes will be able to see for the first few months of life. By showing newborn babies black and white imagery it not only encourages engagement, but also strengthens eye muscles, supports developing attention spans, and nurtures your baby’s desire to learn about the world around them!
The Benefits of Showing Black and White Imagery to Young Babies
Helps baby learn to focus, strengthens attention span, and helps them learn to concentrate
Trains the eye muscles to work with their brain
Supports interaction with your baby and establishing a connection with them
Cultivating your baby’s growing curiosity with the world around them (without the use of screen time!)
When to Start Showing Black and White Pictures for Babies
Since black and white images are colors that baby can see right after birth, it is recommended to start showing them high contrast images right away! Start adding them to your day to day routine so baby can get a few minutes each day of visual stimulation. Keep reading below for easy ways to do this.
How Long Should Babies Look at Black and White Images?
Although there is no time limit, try to show baby high contrast patterns a few times a day for 10 minutes each. This is an easy, attainable goal that will help your little one’s vision become fully developed. By doing this regularly, your infant’s eyes will start to establish a connection with their developing nervous system. This is when baby will start to interact more with you and learn how to use their developing senses! (source)
What Types of Images do Newborn Babies Prefer Looking At?
Again, this doesn’t need to be difficult. You don’t have to pull out the school books… YET! 😉
Simple, high contrast images with sharp outlines will do the trick. High contrast patterns are easy to find that your baby will love to engage with.
Black and white pictures of farm animals are my favorite to grab baby’s attention. While showing baby the high contrast image, describe the picture to them and make the animal sound.
Black and white pictures of family and friends are a PERFECT way to promote visual stimulation with people they will soon recognize.
Download Your Free Printable Book Now
This free printable black and white picture book is perfect to start introducing to your little one, created for newborn babies to enjoy all the way throughout their first year.
Fill out form above to receive your free printable book for baby
Included in your free printable black and picture book:
9 high resolution, engaging pages to enjoy one-on-one with your baby
An entertaining story to read as your infant gazes at the black and white pictures
Each page introduces fun, high contrast pictures of animals
A beautiful book cover for you to cherish with your baby
Simply print out your book, cut around the edges and then put together to start enjoying. (Read my tutorial here how to put your book together so it can be enjoyed and saved as a keepsake!)
How to Use Your Free Printable Black and White Picture Book
Step-by-step how to download the picture book:
Click here to download.
Enter your first name and email that you want the book sent to.
Go to your email, download, and select option to print.
Before printing, make sure to adjust the scale to ‘Actual Size’ instead of ‘Fit to Printable Area’. (That way your book is the correct size and not huge!) I also recommend setting the page to ‘Landscape’.
Print, cut around the edges, then check out my tutorial HERE on how to easily put your book together. (I show a very easy way to bind the black and white pictures for babies together so it will last a long time.
Read below how I incorporate these pictures into my little ones routine.
How to Use Black and White Images for Babies
These are my favorite ways to add black and white imagery to our schedule:
Tummy time
Using tummy time to show your baby black and white images knocks out two birds with one stone! They not only get visual stimulation from the high contrast pictures, but also work on strengthening their little neck muscles.
Hanging mobiles above their crib or changing table
Decorate your newborns nursery with bold, black and white color to help visual stimulation even more. Babies spend quite a bit of time in their crib and changing table (hello, messy diapers!), make it even easier to show high contrast patterns by hanging a simple black and white mobile above either place.
Mobile for car seat or bouncer seat
Adding a mobile to a car seat is a perfect time for baby to work on visual stimulation. The one’s that play music are the BEST. My little boy strongly disliked the car seat when he was a baby. Having a mobile there not only entertained him, but the music also calmed him. Win-win!
Interested in finding other activities for your newborn? Check out my post here for more easy ideas to entertain your 1 month old!
Other Ways to Encourage Baby’s Vision Development
Black and White Contrast Cards
Black and white flashcards are a great way to expose baby to high contrast pictures. From pictures of animals to food, the cards offer a wide variety of visual stimulation.
Black and White Toys for Babies
These black and white toys can easily be added to strollers, car seats, or play mats!
Activity Mats with High Contrast Images
Baby can enjoy tummy time while gazing at the different patterns.
Travel Friendly Soft Black and White Books
These adorable baby picture cards are soft, making them safe for travel. I love how they can be propped up for tummy time as well!
Family Pictures
Black and white family pictures is an easy and effective way to enjoy high contrast images with your baby. This is an inexpensive solution that most people already have in their home!
Nursery Décor
This wall hanging proves that nursery décor doesn’t have to be boring! This tapestry provides baby with wonderful visual stimulation, while creating a beautiful space as well!
Bold and simple black lettering is a great way to grab baby’s attention.
Showing baby black and white pictures is such an important thing to do from a young age! Doing this will help baby establish connection to the world around them, improve attention span, and help with hand eye coordination as they grow. Be sure to download the free printable picture book above and check out this tutorial for an easy way to bind it.
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