Free Printable Baby Shower Bingo Cards (BOY AND GIRL)

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Please join me on this journey in motherhood where you’ll find everything from activities to do with your kiddos to budget-friendly recipes. I’m so glad you’re here!

Checkout this free Bingo game that includes 80 completely unique cards for both a baby boy OR baby girl shower, making 160 cards TOTAL in this printable pack! Whether you are wanting pink or blue, we’ve got you covered with these fun game cards. Keep reading below to see how to have them sent straight to your email!


graphic for a free printable baby shower bingo game showing two pictures of the bingo cards

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What’s Included

Not only is each card different from the other, but you are also getting TWO different color schemes to pick depending on your theme. Each page has two cards measuring 5×7 inches. 


There are two color themes in the printable pack. The first 40 pages have a lovely pink and orange palette. The second half has a blue and green theme – perfect for a baby boy shower or even gender neutral if you are team green (and have chosen to wait until birth to find out the gender)!


Each of the different cards have an adorable rainbow matching the colors. Also, near the bottom of the page displays a bible verse from 1 Samuel 1:27. 


“For this child I prayed…”


A simple yet beautiful design that goes with any baby shower theme!


How to Play

Each square on the card has a baby item listed that the mom-to-be may receive. Hand these cards out to your guests before momma starts opening up the baby shower gifts. You’ll also need to give them something to mark each spot – these pink chips and blue chips are great for this.


As the mom-to-be works through the gift pile, have your guests mark off each spot they have on their card that has been received. Things like bottles, a handmade quilt, or even crib bedding are all listed on the cards!


When someone gets five in a row, have them yell “BINGO!”. Now is the perfect time to give a small prize if you wish. This can be anything you want – even something as simple as a chocolate bar! 


(Read below for more baby shower prize ideas). 


Supplies Needed for the Baby Bingo Game

  • Cardstock to print off the cards
  • Bingo chips to mark each spot (see above what I recommend using).
  • Assorted small prizes for the lucky winners (completely optional, but will add to the fun!)


How Many People Can Play

This fun baby shower game is great for any size crowd. There are 80 completely unique cards (of each color) perfect for large groups! If you have a smaller guest list, no big deal – just print out however many you need for the game.


Ideas for Baby Shower Prizes

Now comes the fun part! Offering a few small prizes to the baby shower party guests is a great way to include them and offer a “thank you!” for spoiling the mom-to-be!


This doesn’t have to be anything extravagant! Getting a few gift cards for a $5 coffee, body butter from Bath and Body Works, or even treat bags filled with some chocolate would be lovely! 


Make sure to check out my favor tags! These free printables are fabulous to attach onto little treat bags or gift baskets to give out as “thank you’s!”. You can find them HERE.


A pair of smiley house slippers

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The sweetest Daisy glass iced coffee cup

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‘Mommy & Me’ nail polish set

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For Younger Guests:


The coolest mini karaoke machine 

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Bluey board game

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Reusable, mess free doodle mat 

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Make the Game More Challenging!

To make the game more interesting, or if you have a lot of people playing – try out the game using one of the ways below:


Time limit

Try adding a time limit to each ‘game’, and the first person to get 5 across during the set time wins. Depending how fast everything is moving, try 5 minutes and go from there! 


If the mom-to-be spends approximately 30 minutes opening gifts, then you could have 6 winners to celebrate!


Start over after the first guest wins

Instead of having multiple winners in one round, try starting over after the first person wins. Have the guests switch around cards to change things up for the next round!


Forget 5 across

Instead of doing the 5 across rule, try out different ways to get the ‘BINGO’! For one round have the participants fill all of the cells in the outer lines (to make an empty square basically). The next round try having them make an ‘M’ with the bingo chips. Diagonal lines only or maybe an ‘X’ for the next one… It is fun changing it up sometimes! 


Have the guests switch chairs mid-game!

This one mayyyyy not be best for a large crowd BUT can be really fun for small groups! Every few minutes, set a timer to go off and have your guests move one chair to the right. This really gets excitement flowing and anticipation for who will end up with the winning card!



This is an instant download link that will be sent directly to your email address. Fill out the form below with your information, then check your email box. (Make sure to check in your spam folder if you can’t find it.)


In the email you receive, there will be a direct link for the printables. Click that and the BINGO cards will pop right up, ready to save and print as many as you need!  


I recommend printing on some nice, heavy card stock for the highest quality feel.


Please note that these baby bingo cards are for personal use only (not for resale).



Other Baby Shower Activities to Play


Diaper/Chocolate Trivia

Test out your (senses?!) with this hilarious interactive game! Grab several diapers (6-8 will do it!), and some popular chocolate candy bars from the store. Do you see where I’m going with this yet? 😉 


Take a bit out of each package, put in a heat safe bowl and microwave for just a few seconds. You only want to barely soften it to make it malleable LOL. Form it into a ball (or lump!) and put in a diaper. Each diaper will have a different chocolate ‘lump’ in it. With a marker, label each diaper with a number so you can keep track of what’s what. 


At the party, have your guests investigate each diaper: take a good look, smell it, see which has nuts in it LOL… And hand them a numbered piece of paper of however many diapers you have to guess. Have them write in each number what kind of chocolate they think each diaper has in it. 


The person with the closest amount of right answers gets a prize. This is a fabulous game that really gets the belly laughs going and will definitely be memorable for your guests. 😉


Diaper Raffle

A diaper raffle is the perfect addition to any baby shower and is a great way to help the parents stock up on diapers before baby arrives! To do a diaper raffle, ask each guest to bring a pack of diapers if they would like to participate in the game. 


For each pack a guest brings, they receive a raffle ticket. (Grab my free printable raffle tickets HERE.) Since one guest can get multiple tickets if they bring in several packs, this can really be a great incentive! 


Sometime during the shower, draw a random ticket from the drawing to see who the winner is! The prize can be something big like a gift basket, or even something small like a gift card. 


Can’t Say ‘Baby’

This is an easy game that doesn’t take too much prep work or budget. Grab a pack of clothespins from the store and on the day of the party, give each guest 1 clothespin. For the length of the party, try not to say the word ‘baby’! If a guest hears someone say it, they can take that person’s clothespin and clip it to their shirt.


If a guest has several clothespins and suddenly says ‘baby’, whoever heard them say it can take one clothespin from them. 


At the end of the party, whoever has the most clothespins wins!


A to Z Baby Shower Game

For this game, you will need a timer, pencils/pen for each guest, and a piece of paper for each guest. 


Set the timer for 5-10 minutes and instruct your guests to find a word that relates to caring for baby, pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, etc., for each letter of the alphabet. For example:

A is for Activity Gym

B is for Bows

C is for Crib

And so on!


If you wish to give a prize, you can do this several ways. One being you can pick the guest who completed the most letters during the time limit. Or, you can pick a random winner with a drawing since everyone participated. You can even let the mom-to-be pick out the one that was her favorite!


Final Thoughts

Your guests will walk out of the party talking about how much fun they had with his free printable baby shower game! This free download has 80 completely unique bingo cards in two color themes – making 160 cards TOTAL. Have your guests filled out the cards while the mom-to-be is opening gifts and let the fun begin!


Also be sure to check out the other fantastic baby shower games to play! If the dullest moment of your baby shower is when your guests are taking time to investigate a filled diaper (don’t worry, it’s chocolate!), then you’re doing okay! 😉  


What was your favorite baby shower game to play? What prizes did you prepare for the guests? Let me know in the comments below!


graphic for a free printable baby shower bingo game showing four pictures of the bingo cards

graphic for a free printable baby shower bingo game showing three pictures of the bingo cards

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