DIY Small Baby Closet Ideas (Nursery Organization Tips)

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Please join me on this journey in motherhood where you’ll find everything from activities to do with your kiddos to budget-friendly recipes. I’m so glad you’re here!

Struggling to figure out a closet system for all of baby’s things? Follow along to see the best DIY small baby closet ideas that are not only functional, but affordable to create.


Before building (or if you’re like me, putting in an Amazon order! 🙂 ), go ahead and sit down with your husband to figure out what features you both want the closet space to have.


But before you do that, you’ll need to make a list of what all will need to be stored. That way you can make a closet layout to best suit the items you have. Remember to not just remember the newborn stage, but also what you’ll need to store back in 6 months, a year, etc.


Doing this now will save you time in the long run so you are not having to stop mid project and figure out where you need everything to go.


graphic with two different baby nursery closet examples


Baby Items You May Want to Store in Closet

  • Outfits for baby 
  • Extra diapers
  • Seasonal items (things like car seat cover, Halloween costume, or swim diapers)
  • Extra toiletries for baby such as diaper cream, lotion, and other small items. 
  • Toys or books that your baby might not be quite ready for.
  • Extra baby gear  
  • Laundry bin 
  • Stroller attachments that you’re not using at the moment
  • Special keepsakes such as hospital hat and blanket, baby book, baby’s little blood pressure cuff… Trust me, you’ll want to keep it ALL 😉
  • Extra crib sheets or blankets.


After you get a good list together of what baby stuff you’ll need to store, now is the time to figure out what layout would work best. Below is a list of features you may want included in your new closet.


Features You May Want in Your Baby’s Closet

  • Closet dividers
  • Top shelf above clothing rod
  • Easy access to certain items
  • Extra shelving for seasonal items
  • Area at bottom to store larger items
  • Double rod to separate out clothing
  • Space for toy storage
  • Cube storage for smaller items
  • Space for small dresser 
  • Wooden bins to store books, toys, or shoes


Okay, we’re making good progress! Now that we have what we need and how we want them stored, now comes the fun part. Let’s dive into the great small nursery closet examples below. 


Try to look at each example and figure out what you like and don’t care for. Then as you’re going, start piecing together what you’d like your closet to look like based on what features you favor in the examples!




Are you looking to improve your home cleaning routine? Make sure to check out my in-depth Ultimate Cleaning Planner!


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the mess and not sure where to start – This home routine planner can help!


A simple plan can make all the difference. Start by printing a home cleaning planner with easy-to-follow daily and weekly task lists, seasonal checklists, and room-by-room guides to keep you organized and help you stay on track. 


If you’ve ever spent an entire weekend cleaning (or an entire nap-time trying to get caught up!), just know that I KNOW HOW THAT FEELS. I created this home cleaning planner to get ahead of the mess BEFORE it gets bad, and it has been such a game changer for creating a routine in our home. 


graphic for a cleaning planner with checklists for daily and weekly



Best DIY Small Baby Closet Ideas


Plenty of storage – both in closet AND on the door


picture of a nursery closet with door opened showing an organizer hanging on the door and shelving and clothing rod in the closet.



Looking to take your small space and turn it into an organized closet? This is a perfect example. The shelves on the door give you extra space to store smaller items like wipes, burp cloths, or lotion. The convenience of having items right there (and not having to dig for them!) really helps. 


I also really love the cubby shelves near the floor for toys and book storage as your baby grows.


Double rods, cube storage, and an adorable display on the door for all of baby girl’s bows


picture of a baby's nursery closet with the door open showing a rod hanging on the door to hang up bows and storage for clothing in the closet.



Every person who has ever had a little girl has probably had the dilemma of WHERE TO STORE ALL THE BOWS. They seem to accumulate SO quick and the headbands are so awkward to keep organized. 


This closet door rod for bows is the perfect solution to hang up the mountain of bows and headbands you have stored in a bin somewhere. Now they can be displayed clearly, and you can check to see what colors you don’t have yet… And buy some more! (Not speaking from personal experience at all 😉 ). 


Cube storage with plenty of rods for all the tiny baby clothes


nursery closet with cubed shelving and four clothing rods, two on each side, for clothing



This small closet puts a unique spin on traditional spaces with the cube organizer separating the clothing rods. This would be hands down the best way to separate clothing out by sizes or seasons!


Store all of baby’s extra items in fabric or plastic bins like blankets, socks/mittens, or even burp cloths.


Practical space for all your baby essentials


kids closet with clothing rod, hamper, plastic drawer set, and a shelf on top with fabric bins



This small space seems to have hit the nail on the head of what may need to be stored away for your baby, and the solution on how to get it all to fit!


Inevitably, I always have clothes to stash away somewhere that one of my kids has outgrown. So I really like this idea of putting two bins on the upper shelf for next size up and outgrown clothes!


The plastic drawer set is a great option if you need more drawer space (which I always do!) on an affordable budget. 


Freestanding wardrobe in baby’s room


freestanding wardrobe with doors opened showing two clothing rods on one side and drawers and shelves on the other side.

Source Unknown


Once upon a time, when closets weren’t really a thing in homes yet… (I know, I know. Whatttttttttt.) Armoires were very popular.


For those who have very limited closet space, a wardrobe like this one would be a perfect option! They house plenty of space for your sweet babe’s items, and are such an adorable addition to a nursery.


You can also check Facebook Marketplace if you are looking to buy an armoire. I’ve seen several antique ones pop up that are very beautiful and affordable!


Bookcase converted into a small closet for baby – Perfect for those tight on space!


nursery with a pack n play, wire storage rack with baby essentials, and a book case converted to a closet for baby's items.



A dedicated area within the nursery for a couple sets of shelves would be a great option if your new baby is sharing a room with you or a sibling. 


It is such a good idea to add a rod to a bookcase for clothing storage! Plus everything is right there nearby if baby is on the changing table.


Double hanging rod with a bottom shelf


nursery closet with a curtain tied back for a door. Closet has a shelf at the top, double clothing rods, and a shelf towards the bottom. Closet is filled with baby clothing and essentials



My kids share a small closet, so the main purpose of it for us is clothing storage. The example above is very similar to what we have set up with the double rods! 


I love storing their clothing this way because it is so easy to keep it separated out, and we can really get a lot of outfits packed in there. 


The shelves above each clothing rod would be a perfect area to store any accessories or shoes that your baby has!


Nursery dresser with shelving and clothing rod converted into baby’s ‘closet’


picture showing corner of baby's room with a white dresser and a shelf above it with a clothing rod attached. Several clothing items are hanging on rod.



This is another great idea to do if you do not have a dedicated space to store baby’s things. 


You can really customize this area of the room and add your own touches to help it feel cozy and warm. You could also add a changing pad on top of the dresser to have everything right there!


But don’t forget the big bin of stuffed animals. 


Because every baby needs a big bin of stuffed animals. 😉


The perfect nursery closet storage setup


picture of nursery closet with a large plastic drawer set and a clothing rod with several outfits hanging on a shelf at the top.



This closet organizer is a great way to store all of baby’s essentials without having to worry about building anything or putting a big piece of furniture together. 


Add some shelves, a rod going across, some clear storage bins, and you’re all set!


Have everything close at hand with a drawer unit


picture of a nursery closet with a full length organizer hanging on the door, metal wire drawer system at the bottom of closet, a clothing rod and shelf at the top with several outfits hanging up.



This closet is perfectly organized with several different sizes of storage room. 


I love the easy storage access on the door (I mean, who doesn’t love the adorable place to hang up all of baby’s pacifiers!). The drawer set in the closet provides great storage for bigger items, leaving additional room on the floor as well.


Montessori inspired dresser with changing table on top


picture of a montessori type open shelving wardrobe and clothing rod with a changing table and diaper supplies on top. To the left is a young child playing



A Montessori inspired wardrobe is one of my favorite ways to store baby’s items if you don’t have a closet available! It is such a cute way to display baby’s clothes, plus everything is at a lower level so your little one will be encouraged to independently use it as he or she grows.


I love the changing pad on top of the dresser, so everything is close at hand during those first few months.


The most adorable baby closet space with hidden shelves to the side


picture of a nursery closet with a clothing rod going across at the top with a shelf for storage. To the right are 3 shelves tucked into the empty space between the two walls.



This small closet has plenty of good storage space with a dresser drawer set, clothing rod, a long shelf that goes across the top, PLUS a hidden set of shelves to the side of the closet. 


This would normally be unused space since it is in such an awkward spot, but these shelves are perfect for it and provide so much extra room… especially for crib sheets, blankets, or even a laundry basket near the floor!


The sweetest vintage inspired ‘closet’


picture of a repurposed vintage white wardrobe with glass in front. inside the wardrobe are several outfits hung up to store a baby's closet items

Source Unknown


Get a vintage farmhouse look immediately by using something like this as baby’s new closet. Not only is it completely adorable, but would also be very budget friendly to repurpose and get the look you want. Such a great idea and so sweet.


If you are looking for a cabinet similar to this make sure to check out Facebook Marketplace, local second hand shops, or estate auctions to score one reasonably priced!


You can repurpose an old cabinet in so many different ways that you are sure to bring a vision to life that you love!


Ikea unit wardrobe hack


picture of a toddlers room with three open ikea type units for clothing storage.



Another Montessori inspired wardrobe for the win! This clothing storage option can easily be used for baby clothing OR for older toddlers when they want to start picking out their own clothes.


These units would be perfect to add to your baby shower registry list and that would be one less thing to have to worry about!


Nursery theme inspired closet organizer


picture of a nursery showing a teepee inspired clothing rod, and books in two shelves on the wall.

Source Unknown


Can you tell that I’m obsessed with freestanding wardrobe closets yet? I’m sorry but they are all just so cute – especially this kids teepee style clothing rack! Who needs a walk-in closet when you have a storage area that goes so well with your nursery theme?!


Store all of baby’s clothes on this Montessori inspired teepee if you are short on closet space and place crates at the bottom for any extra items that need a home. 


The perfect space saving closet


picture of a nursery closet with a dresser and changing table inside of it, and a clothing rod at the top with additional storage



Put a small dresser with a changing area on top to really maximize the space in the nursery! The best part about this closet is how everything is at arm’s length. Need diaper cream? Right there on the shelf. Baby has a blow out and needs an entire new outfit? Everything is right there and easy to grab!


Looking to figure out an organization method that actually WORKS?? Be sure to take a look at my in-depth guide for nursery organization HERE.


graphic showing several printable ebook pages about organization


Final Thoughts


Dealing with a small closet space (or maybe even no closet at all!) doesn’t mean that it can’t be functional or beautiful. After figuring out what you will need stored and what features you want the closet to have, really have fun with designing the new space! 


Take a look through these 16 unique nursery closet ideas to find exactly what works for your family and start decorating today!


What are some of your MUST HAVES when it comes to closet storage space for your new baby? Let me know in the comments below!


graphic with four different small nursery closet examples

graphic with six different small baby closet examples

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