17 Farm Animal Worksheets for Kids (Free Printable!)

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Hi there, my name is Kara!

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Do you have a young child interested in all things farm theme right now? Whether you are a parent or teacher, these farm animal worksheets are a great way to open up conversations about new animals and their unique personalities.


Check out this printable pack with 17 pages filled with educational activities that your child will love. Sign up below to have it immediately sent to your email for download.


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals


What age is best for farm animals worksheets?


There are a lot of farm resource types out there for older children that are currently working on reading comprehension. I wanted to create a printable pack geared more specifically to young learners.


If your child is currently learning about…

  • Colors
  • Basic writing,
  • Name & sound recognition


Then these farm animal printables would be great to use at home or in your classroom! There are several different activities in the downloadable pack that can easily be modified based on your child’s needs and learning level.


I recommend preschool age being a great group to start with, however you can definitely use this PDF file for younger or older children. 


For younger children, try to work on recognizing the animal pictures and what sounds they make. The coloring pages are also fantastic to use if you are wanting to work on colors along with the names of farm animals.


These printable worksheets can also be used for kindergarten children or even 1st grade! This is a fun way for them to brush up on letter recognition and stay interested while doing so. The matching game would be a great game to play with your older children as well. 


Encourage your child to use these pages as extra practice for anything that they may need a little extra help with. 


What is included in the free printable farm worksheets


When you receive your email, you will have instant access to 17 printable pages with 7 different farm animal activities to enjoy. The pages that require writing have two page options – one page will have the words/numbers traced in dotted lines, and the other page will be exactly the same WITHOUT the letter tracing. 


This is all included in the free packet –  Check out the activities and pages below:


Count the Animals Activity 


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals


Review the pictures of the farm animals on this page, then count each set to see how many there are. Once that is done, write in the correct number of every set. Two pages are provided with this activity, one with the numbers in dotted lines and one without.


Name the Farm Animals Page


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals


This activity has two pages full of popular farm animals. Practice important writing skills by naming each animal listed and writing in its name in the space provided. 


Two versions of this activity are available in your download – one that has the animal names in dotted lines for your child to trace, and one without.


As your child is writing in each name, ask them different questions like:

What do you know of this animal?

What does it eat?

What is its purpose on the farm?


This is a great activity to open up conversations so that your child not only will learn the farm animal names, but can also make connections such as where his/her food comes from and what each animal provides for the farm.


Match the Baby Animals to the Adult Animals Activity 


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals


Take the farm discussions to the next step by having your child complete this matching game. By drawing lines to the correct pictures, the student is able to spend some time working on fine motor skills. This is also a perfect time to talk about the different names that the baby farm animals have.


Animal Sounds Worksheet


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals


Teach your child about different sounds that a variety of farm animals make with this fun task. There are six boxes on this page and each box has an animal in it, and there are two sound descriptions above each animal. 


Discuss with your student what sound each animal makes and have them circle the correct answer.


Your kid may already know the answers and already be telling you before you get the chance to talk to them about it 😉 But this is a perfect time to show examples of the words that spell out the sounds they know so well!


Tractor Coloring Page


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals


Take a break from learning about the animal farm by coloring this tractor and barn scene page. 


This is a great time to work on color recognition and talking about what roles that a tractor (and other equipment) may play in a working farm.


Matching Game


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals


The next four pages in this packet include an interactive game matching pictures of the animals to the sound description that the animal makes. Feel free to get creative with this game – There are several different ways to enjoy it:

  • Use them as flash cards to work on literacy skills and picture recognition
  • Sing “Old MacDonald” and have the child hold up the correct cards for the animal you’re singing about.
  • Traditional matching game (place all cards face down on table and take turns trying to find the matches)
  • Lay out the sound description cards face up and give one animal card at a time to the child. Have him or her place each animal card in the right place on top of the correct sound description cards.


Build Your Own Farm Pages


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals


The last four pages have all you need to build your own farm scene! I have compiled several pictures of animals, garden items, and equipment. Cut out around these pictures for your child to color and glue to the barn/house page. (Don’t worry about cutting these out perfectly. That would take forever and NOT be fun! I recommend just cutting a circle around each item 🙂 )


Invite your student to be creative and thoughtful on how they would like their farm setup to be like! What equipment do you need to run your farm, what animals do you want to raise, do you want a garden, etc.


Encourage your child to color each picture that he or she picks out and to decorate the farm scene exactly how they would like. 





To download, enter your first name and email in the box above. Shortly after you’ll receive an email to confirm that it’s okay to send emails. Once confirming, the worksheet set will be ready to download and print.


I recommend printing out the worksheets on cardstock and laminating the matching game if you can. That way it will survive many play times and practice sessions. 🙂


How to use the farm worksheets


This printable pack is great to use for:

  • Add to homeschool lesson plans
  • Easy on-the-go packet to use if you are out of the house for the day or traveling
  • Encouraging independent work for your child to practice with
  • Extra study time to do at home if your child attends a public school





Final Thoughts


These free worksheets provide a fun and engaging way for your child to study up on their favorite farm animals! Learn to write the animal names, color farm scenes, practice animal sound recognition and more with this printable download!


graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals

graphic with several preschool worksheets for learning about farm animals

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