Top 45 Sunday School Songs for Kids (WITH VIDEO)

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Hi there, my name is Kara!

Please join me on this journey in motherhood where you’ll find everything from activities to do with your kiddos to budget-friendly recipes. I’m so glad you’re here!

Check out these top Sunday school songs that will encourage your child to sing praises to God. This list includes all different types of worship! The bible songs are a mixture of slow and heartfelt, while others are fast and have engaging action motions. Some of them are old school songs that we’ve all enjoyed and loved since childhood… mixed in with new songs that your child will quickly grab onto because they are so fun!  


Also, be sure to checkout towards the end – I let you in on my very best tips for sharing these fun bible songs with your child.




sunday school songs graphic with children standing in a line


I Might Be Small – Allstars Kids Club


graphic of i might be small bible song


Whisper a Prayer – Revival Hymns and Choruses


graphic for whisper a prayer bible song


Peace Like a River – CJ and Friends


graphic for peace like a river bible song for kids


Books of the Bible Song – The Bigsby Show


graphic for the sunday school song books of the bible


Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man – 3LittleWords


graphic for the kids song zacchaeus was a wee little man


It’s a Happy Day – YancynotNancy


It's a happy day bible song graphic


Arky Arky – 3LittleWords


arky arky children's bible school song graphic


What a Friend We Have in Jesus – The Sing Team Kids


graphic for the kids song what a friend we have in Jesus


Way Maker – Shout Praises Kids


graphic for the kids song way maker


God Said It – GOKidz Asia


graphic for the sunday school song God said it and I believe it


Father Abraham – Holy Sprouts


father abraham bible song graphic



bible song graphic for joy joy joy down in my heart


The Love of Jesus – GOKidz Asia


graphic for the kids bible song the love of Jesus


He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands – Bible Times


graphic for the sunday school song he's got the whole world in his hands


Jesus Song (J-E-S-U-S Was His Name-O) – Listener Kids


graphic for the kids bible song the Jesus song


Alive, Alive, Alive Forevermore – Listener Kids


graphic for alive alive alive forevermore the kids bible song


Amazing Grace – Catholic Kids Media


graphic for the kids version of the Christian song amazing grace


I’ve Got A River Of Life – Listener Kids


graphic for the kids sunday school song I've got a river of life


Jesus Loves the Little Children – Christian Songs and Videos


graphic for the bible song Jesus love the little children


Oh Be Careful Little Eyes – GOKidz Asia


bible song graphic of oh be careful little eyes


Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah – Bible Time


graphic for the bible song praice ye the Lord hallelujah


I’m in the Lord’s Army – Listener Kids


I'm in the Lord's army bible song for kids graphic


Trust and Obey – Christian Songs and Videos


graphic for the kids song trust and obey


When the Saints Go Marching In – Christian Songs and Videos


graphic for the kids songs when the saints go marching in


The Wise Man Built His House – Singing Hands UK


graphic for the bible song the wise man built his house


Jesus Paid It All – Arts Delivery


graphic for the kids song Jesus paid it all


Count Your Blessings – Gospel Kids


count your blessing sunday school song graphic


I Have Decided To Follow Jesus – Listener Kids


I have decided to follow Jesus graphic for kids song


Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho – Twin Sisters


graphic for the bible song joshua fought the battle of jericho


This Little Light Of Mine – Wesley’s Wuppets


graphic for the sunday school song this little light of mine


I’ve Got The Joy, Joy, Joy – Hi Heaven


graphic for the bible song I've got the joy joy joy down in my heart


Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus – In The Gap Kids


graphic of the bible song stand up for Jesus


When I Look – KidSpring Children’s Ministry 


When I look bible song graphic


Victory in Jesus – Christian Songs and Videos


graphic for the bible song victory in Jesus


Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee – Arts Delivery


graphic for the Christian kids song joyful joyful we adore thee


Go Tell It On The Mountain – Raising Up Champions


graphic for the bible song go tell it on the mountain


Me and My House – Allstars Kids Club


graphic for the bible song me and my house


All Things Bright and Beautiful – Christian Songs and Videos


graphic for the bible song all things bright and beautiful


Let The People Praise You O God – Raising Up Champions


graphic for the kids song let the people praise you O God


Isn’t He Wonderful – Cedarmont Kids


graphic for the sunday school song isn't he wonderful


I Will Trust You God – Allstars Kids Club


I will trust you God bible song graphic


Shout Hosanna! – Brentwood Benson


shout hosanna bible song graphic


Jesus In The Morning – Sing Hosanna


Jesus in the morning bible song graphic


I’ve Been Redeemed – Raising Up Champions


I've been redeemed bible song graphic


Jesus Loves Me – CPH VBS and Children’s Ministry 


Jesus loves me bible song graphic




What ages are these songs recommended for?


All of the songs above have simple lyrics and easy action motions to grasp. Preschool is a great age to start the Christian worship songs because at that age, they can really get in character with the dance moves and hand motions! 


But truthfully, I think these songs are great for any age. My daughter is just 20 months old and she loves these bible songs! She can’t really do the dance moves yet, but she sure tries to get in rhythm and she definitely ‘feels’ the music. 😉


How to Implement Sunday School Songs in my Child’s Daily Routine?


These fun songs aren’t just for Sundays! Have a children’s worship at a vacation bible school event, homeschool co-op, or even a home jam out session!


Sometimes while I clean throughout the day, we’ll turn these on and ‘blast’ it over the TV. You’d be surprised how fast kids get involved with singing and dancing when they see you enjoying it too!


Another great way to incorporate these songs in everyday is to play them while you are driving or making errands. Soon your kiddos will catch on to the familiar tune of each song and memorize it’s words and motions. Then you can go into deeper discussion about why we sing about a person, how the song praises Jesus, and what scripture references are included! 


How to get kids involved


The easiest way (and the best way in my opinion!) to get your kids participating is to join them! My household is a singing household.. And you’re probably thinking that I mean we were genetically blessed with singing abilities.. WRONG.


My husband and I have zero singing capabilities, in fact sometimes we screech the words out as badly as possible because hey, it’s fun. But my most favorite part about our lack of singing talent is the fact that we’re not focused on that – we’re just having a party. And our kids see that and as they are getting older have started joining along with us! Maybe they will have the gift, maybe not. But either way, we have some great laughs and memories! 😉   


Final Thoughts


Teaching children Sunday school songs at a young age is a great way to share a positive message about the goodness of God, and also teach about different bible events that took place. These videos are great to show in a church classroom, but they aren’t just limited to Sundays!


Try to find ways to play these throughout your daily life. You will be amazed at how quickly your child picks up on the message and has fun memorizing the lyrics.


These Sunday school songs are great for ALL ages, but especially perfect to start around preschool age.


Which is your favorite? Do you have a bible song that you can still sing word-for-word since your childhood? Let me know in the comments below!


Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, Kara


graphic that says 45 christian songs for kids with two children standing next to each other smiling

graphic that says top bible songs for Sunday school class with a photo of a boy in jean overalls running in front of the camera

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